Boxed Pork 4-Ward Prime, the real-time, mobile pricing analytics solution and introducing Boxed Pork 4-Ward Select. Click here to learn about Boxed Pork 4-Ward Select.
Do it all with Boxed Pork 4-Ward Prime!
Access to real-time forward pricing analytics by pork cut calculated using CME Lean Hog Futures, USDA historical pork cut prices and Boxed Pork 4-Ward® proprietary ratio forecasts. Our proprietary ratio forecasts keep your assumptions on track with changing market dynamics.
Access your custom workbook anytime, anywhere there is an internet connection.
Convenient, easy and fast to use and share work product.

Boxed Pork 4-Ward Prime Key Features

  • Create and save your own 'quote board' for items you trade often
  • View cut history and charts, including the forward price value
  • Save multiple forward price quotes on-going during the negotiation process
  • Easily share pricing scenarios with colleagues
  • Compute hedging needs instantly
  • Forward price individual or bundled cuts out as far as 15 months

Boxed Pork 4-Ward® is available as a monthly subscription including training and customer support.

Let us take care of databases and forecasting while you focus on your business.

To learn more, please contact us at or call 1-844-244-9273 (1-844-BB4WARD).

Copyright © 2024 Boxed Pork 4-Ward, LLC. All rights reserved.